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Treat Diseases With Yoga

Therapeutic Yoga for Asthma

Asthma mainly attacks a person’s breathing system. It makes normal breathing difficult and causes chronic coughing and fatigue. Regular yoga can create a preventive firewall against the most painful effects of asthma by strengthening the body against reasons leading to an asthma attack. People practising Asanas and Pranayama for Asthma regularly have realized and accepted its positive effects on their asthma problems. However, it is recommended that it should be performed under the proper guidance of professionals. Here is a brief preview of how we help our patients with this problem.

Yoga Asanas

A meditative means of discovering dysfunctional perception and cognition, as well as overcoming it to release any suffering, find inner peace and salvation.

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A meditative means of discovering dysfunctional perception and cognition, as well as overcoming it to release any suffering, find inner peace and salvation.

Know Everything About Asthma

What is Asthma

Asthma is a chronic inflammatory disease of the airways of the lungs. Asthma makes breathing difficult for the affected person.

In asthma, the lining of the airways swells and the surrounding muscles get tightened. The mucus in the nose fills the airways reducing the amount of air. These conditions result in coughing, wheezing, difficulty in breathing and tightness in the chest which is known as an asthma attack.
In asthma the inside airways become swollen and inflamed, this results in irritation and makes them more vulnerable to an allergic reaction.

An asthma patient needs to get diagnosed as soon as possible to know the stage and severity. Asthma can’t be cured completely but measures to control it and improve the quality of life can be taken.
Asthma is the most common chronic medical condition present in children worldwide.

Causes and Symptoms of Asthma


There is no single cause for asthma, a number of factors are responsible for asthma. Some common factors responsible for asthma are:

  1. Genetics-  it runs in families so if your parents had a history of asthma then it increases the chances for you.
  2. Viral infections- people affected by any viral infections in the past are more likely to develop asthma.
  3. Allergens exposure – exposure to certain allergens can increase the chances of acquiring asthma.
  4. Hygiene hypothesis- people who are not exposed to bacterias when they were young don’t develop immunity to fight certain medical conditions like asthma.
  5. Tobacco
  6. Pregnancy
  7. Stress
  8. Obesity
  9. Menstrual cycle

There are some conditions in the environment that can trigger asthma in a person, some common triggers of asthma are:

  1. Illness- respiratory infections like the common cold, flu, and pneumonia could trigger asthma.
  2. Weather conditions- cold air, very high humidity, and low temperature can trigger asthma.
  3. Irritants- some irritants like chemical fumes, strong odors, and smoke can cause asthma.
  4. Exercise- an increase in the movement of the body also increases the chances of asthma.
  5. Allergens- Airborne substances, such as pollen, dust mites, mold spores, pet dander or particles of cockroach waste,
  6. Emotions-  some strong emotions like shouting, laughing and crying may trigger asthma.
  7. Certain medications can also trigger asthma.
  8. Gastroesophageal reflux disease ( a condition in which stomach acids back up into your throat) can also trigger asthma.
  9. Preservatives added to some food products can also trigger asthma in some people.

Some major risk factors of asthma disease are passive smoking, obesity, genetics, smoking, pollution, chemical exposure, and other allergies.


Symptoms of asthma vary in every case, some people could experience symptoms when exposed to certain conditions while others could experience them all the time.

The most regular signs of asthma are breathing difficulties, wheezing, and coughing. Some other signs and symptoms of asthma are:

  1. Shortness of  breath
  2. Coughing
  3. Wheezing and whistling sounds while exhaling.
  4. Tightness in the chest
  5. Fatigue
  6. Sleeping problems

Any person who is experiencing the symptoms regularly and at a more severe level needs to take action to control the condition immediately. One should start practising asanas or yoga for asthma. A person who needs to use a quick-relief inhaler more frequently also needs to be very careful and follow strict guidelines to avoid asthma attacks.

Preventive Measures for Asthma

  1. Stay away from products and chemicals that have caused breathing issues in past.
  2. Keep distance from irritants like dust, moulds, pets that can increase asthma levels, perfumes and places where things are burning like fireplaces.
  3. Take allergy shots, which contain even the smallest amount of allergens, and if you feel uneasy contact your doctor immediately.
  4. Follow the doctor’s advice and prescribed medication.
  5. Avoid using any kinds of tobacco, processed foods, cold drinks, refrigerated items and other things suggested by a dietician or doctor.
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Yoga provides good control over breathing, increases your lung capacity and relieves stress, which is one of the basic sources of asthma. A regular yoga habit will bring down asthma symptoms and frequency of attack.


All those who have practiced and get trained by experts have given very good feedback for yoga against asthma. They had better breathing, good chest muscles, better posture, and resistance to stress.


Yoga asanas like supta sukhasana, uttanasana, supta virasana, shavasana, etc. are beneficial against asthma. Register with us to get professional guidance from international yoga teachers.


Try to avoid exercising in cold and dry environments. Also if the pollutant index is higher in your city, it is better to practice yoga inside with an air purifier in the room. Also, don’t burn out yourself, try to do activities at a normal pace. Always consult your doctor over dos and don’ts.


Unlike other exercises, yoga is performed in a slow-paced manner, which helps abate asthma symptoms, and makes your breathing mechanism stronger and healthier. Contact us for well-structured guidance for asthma treatment with yoga.

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Monday to Saturday

Morning : 06.00 AM – 01:00 PM

Evening : 05:00 PM – 08:30 PM

Live With Yoga, Plot No. 141-142, Regal Residency,

Lane Number 5, Rani Sati Nagar, Nirman Nagar E Block,

Ajmer Rd, Jaipur, Rajasthan (India)

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