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Back Pain

Treat Diseases With Yoga

Therapeutic Yoga for Back Pain

Back pain can complicate any normal life beyond comprehension. Ask any doctor and they will suggest some kind of yoga asanas for back pain along with all other prescriptions. Yoga not only helps in relieving back pain but also treats the stress that comes with it. A regular habit of doing yoga poses can help stretch and strengthen the back muscles that need as much a workout as the rest of your body. Let’s have a look at some of the yoga for back pain we recommend in our program.

Yoga Asanas

A meditative means of discovering dysfunctional perception and cognition, as well as overcoming it to release any suffering, find inner peace and salvation.

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A meditative means of discovering dysfunctional perception and cognition, as well as overcoming it to release any suffering, find inner peace and salvation.

Know Everything About Back Pain

Yoga for Back Pain – Treat it Naturally by Live with Yoga

It is the pain felt at the back of our body. It is divided into 3 parts – neck pain, middle back pain, and lower back pain or coccydynia (sacral pain).

The lumbar region is the most commonly affected area of the back as it is responsible for supporting most of the upper body’s weight.

Back pain can be acute (short duration) or chronic (long duration) depending on the condition of the patient and the duration of back pain.

Yoga for back pain is the best natural way without any side effects that are recommended by the experts for the treatment of Back pain. There are different types of back pain that can be treated by the therapies of yoga.

If you are suffering from back pain and are concerned about it, you are not alone. You must schedule an appointment with one of our consultants who specialize in treating natural therapies of Yoga for back pain.

Major Causes & Symptoms of Back Pain


Our body is made up of various bones, ligaments, muscles, discs, tendons, etc., and damage to any of these parts can cause back pain. Here are some common causes of back pain: –

Some conditions which are linked with back pain as a causing factor are:

  1. Strain – Strain in the muscles and ligaments caused by lifting heavy objects or with wrong lifting techniques can increase stress on the back. Muscle spasms and tension can easily lead to back pain.
  2. Disc Injuries: When a disk bulges out to get ruptured it places extra pressure on the nerves.
  3. Arthritis: Causes intense pain in the lower back and connected areas including the legs and the hips.
  4. Osteoporosis: The bone becomes soft and fragile and can be penetrated easily. They become more prone to fractures, strains, and hernias.
  5. Abnormal Curvature of Spine – Wrong alignment of the spine will not allow the spine to function properly.
  6. Kidney problems
  7. Skeletal irregularities
  8. Cauda equina syndrome
  9. Cancer of the spine – A tumour may act as a hurdle for the nerve to work properly.
  10. Infection of the spine
  11. Sleep Disorders – A person with a sleep disorder doesn’t get enough rest needed for the spine and the back region.
  12. Shingles
  13. Spinal stenosis
  14. Daily Movements – Sitting or standing for a long period. pushing, pulling, lifting and carrying heavy objects or with the wrong technique.  Twisting, overstretching, bending awkwardly, excessive driving, excessive use of gadgets with a screen,
  15. Body Posture – Wrong body posture creates pressure on only one region of the body and leads to back pain.

In some cases, the exact cause of the back pain can’t be found. If you are one of the cases and want to know about your cause and solution for your suffering. You must consult our top expert for it, at affordable prices. We have the best and most effective yoga for back pain therapies.


A person with back pain shows some symptoms in the body which could lead to the identification of the problem.

Usually, the problem of back pain disappears after a few days but in some cases, this time duration can be much longer and needs immediate treatment. In some cases, the pain can be very severe and could interfere with the daily routine of a person.

Some common signs and symptoms of back pain are:

  1. Pain – Pain in the back region, buttocks, and legs.
  2. Muscles ache
  3. Stabbing pain
  4. Pain increases with lifting, standing, bending and walking.
  5. Persistent and chronic back pain.
  6. Urinary incontinence
  7. Uncontrolled bowel movements
  8. Numbness around buttocks, anus, and genitals.

We have an easy solution for your back pain, you can try our Therapeutic yoga for back pain relief, a therapeutic treatment that helps in removing back pain within a few days and gives you a formula for healthy living.

Preventive Measures for Back Pain :

  1. Be careful with your body weight. Extra baggage of weight around the middle portion of the body, can easily result in lower back pain
  2. Constant or chain smoking hinders nutritional blood to spinal discs, which increases smokers’ vulnerability to back pain. If you are into one such habit, quit it immediately. 
  3. Be very careful about your sitting and sleeping postures. Wrong postures can surely invite back pain.
  4. Keep changing your exercise routine on a monthly basis. Any posture that puts a lot of pressure on the back, can get you back pain. Try to get rest between exercises, and have a day off from the workout in a week.
  5. Pick a chair that enables you to sit properly and not drown in it. Stop using a sitting arrangement that doesn’t make you sit straight. Keep reminding yourself that you have to sit in a standard position to maintain a good posture.
  6. Arrange your desk in a way that makes you sit straight in front of the monitor screen. The proper height of the screen will make your head stick in one place and let you type in the correct manner. An improper arrangement will make you sit improperly which might awaken back pain.
  7. Sleep in a straight position. Consult a doctor to get the best recommendation for a sleeping position. Get a mattress that doesn’t sink you inside it, and has a good material that gives comfort as well as firmness when you lay down. Check which pillow suits best for your neck, a very thick one will give neck pain, and a very thin pillow might not support the head well.

Natural Way to Get Relief from Back Pain

Back pain can complicate any normal life beyond comprehension. Ask any doctor and they will suggest some kind of yoga for back pain asanas, along with all other prescriptions. Yoga not only helps in relieving back pain but also treats the stress that comes with it. A regular habit of doing yoga poses can help stretch and strengthen the back muscles that need as much a workout as the rest of your body.

Most people suffer from chronic back pain. They are not able to do their routine work and they have to depend on others. The pain can reach the arms, hands, legs, and feet. It may cause numbness and weakness in the entire body below the lumbar region (lower back). In severe cases, surgery may be required for the treatment of back pain.

Don’t worry there various natural and effective ways to cure back pain. Yoga for back pain therapies is the best natural treatment way to get relief from back pain. So why waste time taking pills and other ineffective treatments? Instead, book an appointment with our experts, who have years of experience providing back pain yoga therapies to over 5000 patients.

Why Choose Live with Yoga for Natural Back Pain Cure

There are many reasons to choose live with yoga for back pain:-

  • Affordability –We are providing top-notch yoga for back pain therapies at a really affordable rate. Your budget is always kept in mind so that anyone does not face the budget problem for availing of our services.
  • Track Record of Success –We have a team of highly qualified and experienced therapists. We are very competent and provide top-notch services to patients. We have over 5000 happy patients, who have cured their back pain with our therapies.
  • Availability –Our services are readily available to our clients. There are never complaints regarding the availability of our services. You can any time book a consultant and an appointment scheduled as soon as possible.
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Do consult your doctor before starting any form of exercise. Always perform asanas and pranayama under guidance of trained yoga professionals. Wrong technique can land you in injury and pulled muscles.


Yoga has been a gift for people suffering from back pain. Numerous people who have practised yoga asanas and pranayama for back pain benefitted from this experience.


There are a number of yoga asanas that help in the treatment of back pain but the most recommended and easy yoga for back pain asanas are Cat-Cow pose, Standing Forward Bend, and Bridge Pose.


Yoga has proven to be good for Ankylosing Spondylitis. There have been several studies to justify it. There is a suggested list of yoga asanas and pranayama which help in managing this disease.


Medicinal treatment is the common way to deal with Ankylosing Spondylitis, but exercising, especially yoga has proven to be a crucial part of treatment as well as prevention. Practising yoga regularly increases immunity and gives physical as well as mental strength. It involves physical postures, breathing exercises and meditation to keep you in check with complete well-being.


There are different types of back pain. Yoga therapies can be used to treat all of them. So book an appointment now with an expert and get your back pain treated in natural ways.

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Morning : 06.00 AM – 01:00 PM

Evening : 05:00 PM – 08:30 PM

Live With Yoga, Plot No. 141-142, Regal Residency,

Lane Number 5, Rani Sati Nagar, Nirman Nagar E Block,

Ajmer Rd, Jaipur, Rajasthan (India)

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