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Cervical Spondylosis

Treat Diseases With Yoga

Therapeutic Yoga for Cervical Spondylosis

Cervical Spondylosis is a common condition. As we move into our late forties the discs joining vertebral columns in our cervical area become fragile and rigid. More often than not, they lose their fluid and develop boney projections along the edges that get termed cervical spondylosis. Yoga for Cervical Spondylosis is a great way to avoid this situation.

The common symptoms of Cervical Spondylosis include sharp pain in the neck and stiffness. Due to long working hours in fixed posture Cervical spondylosis had become common.
Yoga is a natural and effective activity to cure Cervical spondylosis. A flexible body is immune to all types of joint-related diseases.

At Live with Yoga, we provide you with long-term Yoga plans that are proven to cure Cervical Spondylosis.

Yoga Asanas

A meditative means of discovering dysfunctional perception and cognition, as well as overcoming it to release any suffering, find inner peace and salvation.

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A meditative means of discovering dysfunctional perception and cognition, as well as overcoming it to release any suffering, find inner peace and salvation.

Know Everything About Cervical Spondylosis

What is Cervical Spondylosis Disease?

Cervical spondylosis is an inevitable side-effect of aging that is caused by a decrease in lubrication and flexibility of bones, discs, and ligaments of the cervical area.

Neck pains are a common side effect of aging and if they wear and tear often, it can easily lead to cervical spondylosis.

Spondylosis leads to the formation of boney projections along the edges. Most people who fall prey to it are above 45 years of age.

Cervical spondylosis is also known as neck arthritis, cervical osteoarthritis, or degenerative osteoarthritis. The disease is responsible for weakness and pain in the neck region. Some people face severe flexibility and mobility issues with respect to this disease.

When the disease reaches that level, it needs surgical treatment. However, with some simple yoga For Cervical Spondylosis poses it can be refrained totally and treated permanently in the most natural manner.

Causes and Symptoms of Cervical Spondylosis Disease


As you grow older the bones and ligaments that make your backbone tend to develop wear and tear gradually. The primary causes of cervical spondylosis are a growing age and the natural wear and tear process of the bones. That’s why it is advised to start doing Yoga at a young age. Live with Yoga have dedicated experts and a team which handles youngsters. Some other common causes which can lead to cervical spondylosis are:

  1. Bone Spurs: It means an overgrowth of bones. It can lead to pain by compressing the nerves responsible for transferring signals in the neck region.
  2. Injuries: Many patients may suffer from Cervical Spondylosis due to injuries in past. Yoga for Cervical Spondylosis also decreases the severity of injury symptoms.
  3. High Screen time: Many jobs require long periods of sitting in a fixed posture in front of a computer screen. As a result, early Cervical Spondylosis develops. Live with Yoga offers a variety of yoga asanas that you can do while working. It improves flexibility and only takes 5 minutes.
  4. Low Physical Activities: Physical activities develop the reflexes of the brain. It also improves overall flexibility. But the physical activity today had decreased. This results in early Cervical Spondylosis. Yoga is great physical activity to power your joints.


Cervical Spondylosis is caused due to wear and tear of the cervical spine. Although the patients with cervical spondylosis show no significant symptoms in the early stage, some symptoms may appear in the advanced stage of cervical spondylosis. Some common signs and symptoms of cervical spondylosis are

  1. Neck Pain: The most common symptom of cervical spondylosis is Neck pain. Neck pain can be moderate to serve. Sometimes pain can travel to your shoulder and arms. Hence it is recommended to perform Yoga for Cervical Spondylosis.
  2. Headache: The patient may feel a moderate headache in the back of the head. Sometimes headaches can increase when a single activity is performed for too long. Like reading.
  3. Weakness tingling, and numbness in hands, legs, arms, and feet.
  4. Dizziness and blackouts: Our many patients also face constant dizziness and blackouts. A simple way to get rid of dizziness is by trying some yoga asanas mentioned below.
  5. Difficult Reflexes: Our Spine is connected to the brain. So Cervical Spondylosis also have a slight effect on our reflexes. An easy way to improve your reflexes is trying 5-minute yoga for Cervical Spondylosis..
  6. Difficulty in Swallowing

Prevention of Cervical Spondylosis

Cervical Spondylosis is caused due to wear and tear of cartilage and bones. The most effective method of prevention is Yoga for Cervical Spondylosis. Live with Yoga has diagnosed many patients with Cervical Spondylosis, and here is what our experts recommend:

Yoga: The best and most effective way to prevent cervical spondylosis is by doing Yoga every day. Yoga not only improves posture it helps in strengthening your core. More than 80% of people today age 65+ suffer from Cervical Spondylosis. Most of them have never done Yoga. Live with Yoga believe that Yoga is the purest form of medicine for all your problems. Not only Cervical Spondylosis Yoga can also improve your posture. In consultancy with patients, we found that 70% of people are not aware of correct posture. Gradually it leads to bone decay and early pain in joints.

Increase Physical Activity: One of the reasons for increased cases of cervical spondylosis is the lack of physical activity. It is advised to do physical activity like Yoga, running, sports etc at an early age. This will decrease the chances of getting cervical spondylosis at an early age. You can dedicate your 5-minutes to Yoga with our experts as guides.

Wrong Posture: As discussed, posture also plays an important role in early cervical spondylosis. You can improve your posture by consulting with our yoga experts.

Smoking: Smoking is not only injurious to the liver it is also injurious to an unhealthy life. Regular smoking reduces your life but also makes life miserable in old age. There are numerous yoga asanas that can help you stop smoking. You can book consultancy with us for detail.

Avoid heavy weights on the neck: Putting heavy weights on the shoulder or neck regularly can have a pain effect in old age.

Why Choose us to Treat Cervical Spondylosis by YOGA

The condition of cervical spondylosis is painful. It is crucial to handle it under the direction of professionals. If you are looking for professionals in Yoga then Live with Yoga is perfect for you. Our experts are fully registered with proper degrees. Here are some reasons to choose us:

  • Affordable services: Live with Yoga provides you most cost-effective services. Our services are divided as per the problems. We have a team of the best Yoga For Cervical Spondylosis.
  • Small Batch: To improve the interaction in class our batches are limited to small numbers. You even get the option of one-to-one interaction from our experts.
  • Diet guidance: For your perfect health our experts also provide you with full diet assistance.
  • Perfect timing: Live with Yoga gives you the freedom to choose the perfect timing as per your schedule. You can even consult our experts through a video call facility.
  • 24*7 Support: Our experts can help you even at the midnight. We even have separate Yoga For Cervical Spondylosis experts. Any difficulties you face can be resolved with full support.
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Yes, Cervical Spondylosis can be cured permanently with Therapeutic Yoga Asanas and Sitting Posture Correction. Therapeutic Yoga relieves the cervical neck pain and also corrects the alignment and posture of cervical spine. Alongwith Yoga for Cervical Spondylosis, correcting the sitting posture is also important to further prevent the recurrence of neck pain.



Therapeutic Iyengar Yoga Treatment for Cervical Spondylosis without medication is the best treatment. With various Therapeutic Iyengar Yoga asanas, one will get relief from cervical neck pain and stiffness. Therapeutic Yoga Treatment is completely natural and alongwith treating cervical spondylosis, it increases overall flexibility of the body and relaxes the mind.


Yes, Yoga helps a lot in Cervical Spondylosis with its therapeutic approach. Therapeutic yoga poses like utthita parsvakonasana, chakrasana, sarvangasana, and sirsasana help improve the neck flexibility and reduce pain and stiffness. Therapeutic Yoga also relieves stress which is a reason behind cervical spondylosis.



It is advised to seek medical assistance for earlier symptoms. Yoga is beneficial to reduce Cervical Spondylosis. If symptoms are high then consult us now.



If you are looking for quick and permanent relief from cervical pain, you may want to give Iyengar yoga a try. Therapeutic Yoga corrects the alignment and posture of the neck alongwith treating the neck pain. Iyengar yoga is more effective because it uses props and support to perform even the toughest asana like setu bandha sarvangasana, sirsasana, and chakrasana. Thus it can easily be practiced by patients suffering from injuries and serious physical problems like slipped disc.



Regular practice of Iyengar yoga asanas can easily rectify one’s standing and sitting posture and bring down the chances of spondylosis. Also, you need to do some lifestyle changes for permanent pain relief such as avoid fast food, continuous sitting, etc.



Here are some do’s:

Do Physical Activity
Practice Yoga for at least 15 minutes in a day.
Consult a doctor if the pain serves.

Don’t lift heavy.
Don’t sit in the same posture for long.
Maintain good posture.


Yes. Due to changes in lifestyle, it is generally observed that people at a young age also got symptoms of cervical spondylosis. That’s why it is advised to start yoga for cervical spondylosis.


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