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Shoulder Pain

Treat Diseases With Yoga

Therapeutic Yoga for Shoulder Pain

Shoulder pain can easily make your life difficult. If ignored, it may lead to severe problems ranging from muscular damage to permanent pain and partial immobility on one side. It is better to get it treated or rectify the problem before it gets worse. Yoga for shoulder pain offers a simple yet effective treatment for the problem. If practised regularly with the right technique, it can rid you of muscular pains and several other problems for good. Here is how it works.

Yoga Asanas

A meditative means of discovering dysfunctional perception and cognition, as well as overcoming it to release any suffering, find inner peace and salvation.

Know Everything About Shoulder Pain

What Is Shoulder Pain?

Shoulder pain refers to the pain in the shoulders of a person. The pain in the shoulder emerges from the joints of the shoulders or from the surrounding tendons, muscles, ligaments. Shoulder pain increases with the movements of your arms and shoulders.

Your shoulder has many ranges of motion and any damage to the shoulders can cause extreme pain and could make you unable to move effortlessly. Your shoulders consist of three main bones and two joints which are responsible for the movement of shoulders. The shoulder joint is the most mobile joint in the body and it moves the shoulder in forwarding, backward, upper and circular motion. Shoulders get their range of motion from the rotator cuff and it becomes very difficult to move your shoulders if tendons or bones around the rotator cuff are damaged or swollen.

Shoulder pain is common with people above 60 years of age because the soft tissues surrounding the shoulders start degenerating. In most of cases shoulder pain can be treated at home with therapies but in some severe cases, medications and surgery may be needed.

Causes and Symptoms of Shoulder Pain


Shoulders have a large range of motion thus they are more sensitive to injuries. Some common causes of shoulder pain are:

  1. Strains from overexertion
  2. Tendonitis from overuse
  3. Heart attack
  4. Impingement
  5. Osteoarthritis (disease-causing the breakdown of joints).
  6. Rotator cuff injury
  7. Separated shoulder
  8. Septic arthritis
  9. Sprains
  10. Tendinitis
  11. Dislocation
  12. Shoulder joint instability
  13. Frozen shoulder
  14. Pinched nerves (also called radiculopathy)
  15. Avascular necrosis (death of bone tissue due to limited blood flow)
  16. Brachial plexus injury
  17. Broken Arm
  18. Broken collarbone
  19. Bursitis (joint inflammation)Cervical radiculopathy
  20. Dislocated shoulder
  21. Frozen shoulder
  22. Polymyalgia rheumatica
  23. Rheumatoid arthritis (inflammatory joint disease)
  24. Tendon rupture
  25. Thoracic outlet syndrome
  26. Torn cartilage
  27. Pinched nerves (also called radiculopathy)


There are some signs and symptoms associated with shoulder pain that can be identified. Identifying these signs and symptoms early can be helpful in treating the condition at the right time. Some common symptoms of  shoulder pain are:

  1. Pain in the shoulders without any motion or activity.
  2. Stiffness in the shoulder
  3. A limited range of motions
  4. Pain in doing any simple activity
  5. Selling of the joints
  6. Tenderness of the joints
  7. Feeling of  grinding pain in the shoulders

Preventions for Shoudler Pain:

  • Listen to what your body is telling you. If you feel discomfort in your shoulder after a workout or some activity consistently, don’t overlook it, visit a doctor. 
  • Try to stay in shape as best as possible and practice exercises that improve the overall flexibility of your muscles. 
  • Lastly, before starting any exercise, warm up and learn the right technique before putting it into practice.
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Stress-related pains in the neck mostly affect the primary muscles and nerves running through the neck, shoulders and spine. Long-term stress or tension results in the creation of a snowball effect which can lead to chronic neck and shoulder pain.


Yes, yoga asanas and pranayama for shoulder pain help a lot in stretching tight muscles and in strengthening weak muscles. Yoga reduces shoulder pain, increases flexibility, and eases movement. Yoga also relieves mental stress to relax the neck and shoulder muscles.


Therapeutic Iyengar Yoga shows effective results in relieving shoulder pain, reducing stiffness and strengthening weak muscles. Regularly Practising Supportive Yoga asanas like Urdhva Hastasana, Bhujangasana (Rope I), Purvottanasana (Rope II), Utthita Trikonasana, Parsvakonasana, Adho Mukha Svanasana, Sirsasana, Sarvangasana, Uddan, etc. heals shoulder pain and increases flexibility.


There are a lot of asanas which can relieve neck and shoulder pain. But Sarvangasana when practised using support helps in the proper movement of the shoulders. This asana reduces stiffness and provides flexibility. Sarvangasana also corrects upper body posture that got imbalanced due to muscle contraction or shoulder blade dislocation.

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